Meder Packaging

We at Meder Beauty know that our packaging may not be what you’d necessarily expect. We choose airless pump bottles for our products because this is the most eco-friendly recyclable skincare packaging we were able to find. Read on to see how and why Meder Beauty chose our packaging.

  • We need skincare to keep. For this, a product must have absolutely no contact with air or the user’s fingers or cute (but very unhygienic) mini spatulas.
  • We need the packaging to fit the product and to be compatible with our formulations for years to come.
  • We need packaging to be of high quality and work without fail. Press a pump, and you’ll get sufficient amount of cream or serum, and there’s no need to unscrew lids and scoop the product out.
  • We want Meder Beauty products to be used up 100%! They are too good to let even a little go to waste. If you buy 50 ml of cream you would expect to use up 50 ml you paid for without having to extract the last of it from an unyielding bottle or tube with an entirely unreasonable amount of effort.
  • The packaging must display all necessary information about the product according to relevant legislation.
  • We want sustainable and recyclable skincare packaging.

Although all of the above are reasonable expectations, there are surprisingly few skincare packaging solutions that fit them all.

There are 2 ways to protect the product from contact with environment: disposable packaging and airless pump bottles, which use a non-pressurised vacuum to disperse product with the press of a pump. We use both: single-dose disposable packaging for professional skincare and DIY kits, masks and re-sealable tubes for Vita-Long Oil, and airless pump bottles for the rest of our skincare range. No glass jars and frosted vials with droppers would be the kind of efficient, practical, sustainable and recyclable skincare packaging that we’re after.


To make sure there is absolutely no compatibility conflict between a product and its packaging, we use the most neutral polymers there are.


We strive to use eco-friendly recyclable skincare packaging. We only use bottles made of recyclable polymers, even though they are more expensive than non-recyclable ones. All our plastic bottles are class 5PP, easily recyclable at any point.


After a long trial period, we settled on bottles produced by a large German company. They are expensive, but worth it. You would be surprised how many defective bottles are found in some companies’ supplies. Some cheaper manufacturers can have up to 2 or 3 defective bottles out of every 10!

We only have to discard 1 bottle in 10,000 or less, minimising waste.


Airless pump bottles are incredibly efficient. When the pump stops dispersing your Meder Beauty product, be it cream or serum or cleansing mask, there is less than 0.2 ml left of it in your bottle. And if that is not enough, we fill our bottles adding 5% extra product, so in fact with Meder Beauty the math is in your favour.

"When you buy 50 ml of product you really get 52.5 ml and you use up 52.3 ml. When the pump stops dispersing your Meder Beauty product, there is less than 0.2 ml of it left in the bottle. We fill our bottles with 5% extra, so when you buy 50 ml you get 52.5 ml and you use 52.3 ml. Now, this is the math that I like. In my years of work in beauty industry I got thoroughly fed up with tubes and jars that had to be cut and scraped and sown in half to get sometimes up to  30% of remaining product from the inside!"

— Dr Tiina Meder.


We strive to use as little secondary packaging as possible. However, putting all relevant information on the packaging can be difficult. Cosmetic legislation gets more restrictive every year. The packaging must by law include all kinds of information: the name of the product and what it is for, the complete list of ingredients, shelf life, instructions for use, barcode, safety warnings (avoid eye area, rinse after use, etc). Even 100 ml bottles don’t have enough surface for all this text. The packaging has to be recognisable and branded too.

This is why we introduced eco-friendly recyclable cardboard boxes a little while ago. We plan to introduce the option of ordering cardboard-free packaging where possible.

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